12 May 2009

Lessons from Masterton

Masterton was an education; an education I would now like to share with you for the benefit of future captains, and others.

The first lesson was it takes 1.5 hours to go from Newlands to Masterton normally. It takes slightly longer if you're leaving at 5:30pm, because of peak hour traffic on the motorway. It takes slightly longer still, if a traffic cop decides to pull over a car, and the entire three lanes of Hutt traffic decides to slow down to take a look. And finally, it takes just a little while longer if some people in your car demand to be driven to the new MacDonalds 24/7 drive-through in Masterton.

The second lesson is, "don't have a Mac Attack before a game." Both juniors (age, not rank) have now learned this lesson, and will never do that again. Their original aprosexia was alleviated, but at the expense of their inability to get to the ball.

The third lesson is, go as a team in one car. It makes the long trip fun and worthwhile.
The fourth lesson is, if you don't want to add stress to your lives, then don't leave the organising of your team until last thing on Tuesday!

All of this verbosity is designed to hide the fact that the scores from our matches were abysmal: Sam Oldfield vs. Bruce Gray: 9/5, 9/0, 9/6. Mitchell Hammond vs. Jono Cunningham: 9/0, 9/7, 10/9. Tim McKay vs. Werner Schulz: 9/6, 9/7, 10/8. Baden Grey vs. James Hippolite: 9/2, 9/0, 9/4.

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